Thursday, October 22, 2009

Hunting Camp Layout

Okay! Here is my layout for the week.  I love this layout because I was able to place alot of  Dan's hunting pictures in this layout. Every Thanksgiving Dan and his father and other friends would leave us for a week and go moose hunting and fishing. The moose they caught that year was a nice size. The "For My Eyes Only", picture is one I"m sure Dan would rather people not see. Let's just say there was a full moon when this picture was taken... LOL! Enjoy and until next week.....

Monday, October 19, 2009

It's Mojo Monday Again !

Well it's Monday again and here's another Mojo Sketch. This card didn't take as long to do, yes it's 9:37 pm but I've been making cards all day and started this card at 8pm while I watch DWTS.
It's hard to see but the fish is on a wire, so that it can bounce around.
Hope you like it and thanks for

Thursday, October 15, 2009

3x3 Card Swap (CTMH Swap)

I entered my first CTMH card swap hosted by Twyla Norris . The swap called for me to make 10 - 3x3 cards with atleast one embellishment. There were 10 ladies per round, so when the swap was done I would end up with 10 differernt cards. I signed up for 2 rounds so here is a picture of my 20 cards I recieved back today. I love them all. Enjoy

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Care 2 Scrap Challenge #4

Okay, it's been a long day but I have FINALLY got this challenge done. Now it's an easy layout, it was the what to do after it was cut and glued.  I have tons of great shots of my girls just sitting in a shoe boxs, and with Kim's challenge I have been getting those pictures out of the box and in some albums. Thanks Kim!  I encourage you to check out Kim's site and work on these Wednesday challenges with me. I'm loving it!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Good Monday Evening to everyone! Well we celebrated our Thanksgiving Day feast on Sunday.What a fine dinner it was, and we'll be eatting turkey for the rest of the week. So when I woke up today, I carried on with my day , it wasn't till later this afternoon  when I stopped and said, " Holy Crap, today is Mojo Monday". So I went to the computer and pulled up the Mojo site. I can't believe I almost forgot it. Long weekends always mess with my head. So here is my outlook on this weeks Mojo Challenge. As I am a new consultant and my supplies are still building , this is what I came up with, enjoy!  Short week this week, Whoo hoooooooo...

Thursday, October 8, 2009

What is a Christmas Cracker? Big smiles and laughter!!


Thanks Kim for creating this Wed. challenge, I'm enjoying it greatly. Here is my idea on this layout. I still want to add a few more things to it but supplies are low.  This is my youngest Abigail, and she thought it would be fun putting on her crown  from her Christmas cracker. She's was such a ham at the age of 2, now she's to serious. Looking forward to your challenge next Wednesday Kim, I'm enjoying them alot. Thanks and have a great day everyone!!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Another Mojo Monday is upon us and I was very excited to get my card done. I had an idea with this card but when the card was done, it didn't fit the vision. That's okay I still like the card and enjoyed using my creative side. Great way to start the week.

Thanksgiving Day Cards

Good Monday Morning to All, It's a cool one this morning, and I'm trying really hard NOT to turn the heat on just yet. My youngest is finally in school after being home for a week with a bad cough, now some time to make cards for Thanksgiving. Here are two that I have finished,both inspirations came from out How-to-Book -Wishes.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Care 2 Scrap Challenge Week 1

This was "Care 2 Scrap" Challenge week 1. This was my idea of her challenge...

Care 2 Scrap Challenge

Here is my second Care 2 Scrap Challenge from my up-line Kim Harper. This one was a little harder for me but I think I did a pretty good job with the little CTMH product I have.